Darkest dungeon ancestor boss quotes
Darkest dungeon ancestor boss quotes

darkest dungeon ancestor boss quotes

Living a comfortable life of wealth and luxury, the Narrator eventually became bored with what he referred to as "conventional extravagence." He uncovered stories of strange powers hidden beneath his manor and spent the rest of his life and money attempting to access it. He will comment on a grand variety of events and parts of the game including the sparse cinematics, positive and negative dungeon interactions, critical hits, hero recruitment and death, as well as various interactions within the Hamlet and more. The Narrator reacts differently to many events and actions of the player.

darkest dungeon ancestor boss quotes

Even in death, however, the Ancestor accompanies and guides the player as the omnipresent Narrator. In a final letter sent to the player, he bequeaths them the Estate and urges them to reclaim it from the burgeoning corruption that now plagues it due to his actions. This discovery shocked him into realising the depths of his crimes and recklessness, only too late for him to personally make amends. After a lifetime of debauchery and arcane pursuits, he excavated an unspeakable, ancient horror far below the foundations of his mansion. The Narrator is the Ancestor of the player and former owner of the Estate. The voice actor for the Narrator is Wayne June. All unlocked narrations concerning the plot are available by consulting the Ancestor's Memoirs, a building found in the central square of the hamlet. The story of Darkest Dungeon is exposed through the narrator, who will give hints on his mysterious past as the player approaches the various bosses. The Narrator is a vital part of Darkest Dungeon, accompanying the player in their adventures and creating a dark and stressful atmosphere with his foreboding comments.

Darkest dungeon ancestor boss quotes